Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kimberly and Ozvaldo's Wedding> 12-24-2010

     What a wonderful day and a great wedding to photograph. It was a small, civil, non-religious wedding, held at 15th Street Fisheries Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale. The ceremony lasted all of 10-15 minutes but within a three hour period of the reception, I managed to capture over 700 exposures. I'm still getting through the rough cuts, but I picked out a couple of selects to show off.

Kimberly and Osvaldo are a young couple and were so easy to talk to, and so much fun to photograph. He is a proud Marine who may be reporting to duty very soon. His brother was tearful; his friends- very supportive; his new bride- very much in love and confident that if he had to leave for any period of time, he would return safe and they would continue building their life together. They weren't wasting any time getting married either before relocating. Osvaldo had to report to Camp Lejeune the same day!!!

These lovely newleyweds had to travel to North Carolina directly after their wedding. They said the honeymoon would come later- Kimberly added, "somewhere nice, hopefully"- when I asked what their plans were. 'One day at a time' was the overall message.

The holidays tend to bring people together. In this case it brought two amazing people together in matrimony. It was a great experience and I feel so lucky to add this event to my experiences as a photographer.

As the opportunities arise to display my talents and deliver passion through the lens I am confident I will become a better photographer. I am grateful for every one of these opportunities to shine. Yet,... Great moments like these seem to occur only once in a lifetime. I had a great time being the one for the job and I'm sure this family is excited to see the results and will be very pleased to see how I captured their special day.

Thanks Again Helen, and of course, Kimberly & Osvaldo, for allowing me to capture all these memories for you and your family. I wish you great success with your marriage.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Commercial Photography

Here are few of my initial attempts at Commercial Photography... Can't wait to work in this field!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JDB Photography: Hello and Welcome!!!

JDB Photography: Hello and Welcome!!!: "Hello Everyone... Looking for networking, assisting opportunities, friends, and future clients. Thanks for your support. I will try to update as frequently as possible. I've got a ton of great photos and can't wait to share!

Hello and Welcome!!!

Hello Everyone...

Please excuse me if I stumble a bit as I make a real effort and attempt at social blogging. I've been on Myspace and Facebook for a while now and followed a few of my friends' blogs here and there, but never thought I would need my own. Since I find it necessary to share my life, simple interests, and work with others- I have also changed my views about blogging.
Through the changing tides of time, a phone call is more often rushed; meetings aren't as convenient for us to arrange; flights are delayed; our transit to and from is bumped off schedule; lunches are shorter; DAYS ARE SHORTER; time is always crunched; and our expanding population will not subside.
As a photographer, I consider myself to be a passionate visual artist as well as a 'visionary of revitalization' and always look for beauty and positive change throughout the world. Lately, my efforts have been toward throwing myself back into an education after knowing I needed to know more. 
I've been very busy lately trying to sort out my time and effortless approach to the love of my life (Photography), while networking to assist and get more hands on experience in the field. Besides the 15 plus years I've been making photos, I have weaved my way through jobs in custom picture framing, photo lab technician (Anyone remember Eckerds?), printing and bindery, art supply sales, sign making and graphic design, etc... I feel like a big ball of visual wax. I found photography to be my true calling. While I was in school producing assignments, I was called "an overachiever" by my peers. This doesn't bother me because I am used to it. When I first started shooting for an intro darkroom course, the 6 week requirements of the instructor were (10) properly exposed and composed black and white 8x10's and (10) nicely processed rolls of 36 exp. Tri-X... Needless to say- I handed in 200 prints and 40 rolls of film. IT WAS MY FIRST 'A' SINCE 3rd GRADE!
This level of productivity hasn't slowed by any means. I still have about 50 rolls of undeveloped spent film and 25 new rolls of various degree and speed.

I got my first Digital SLR a year and a half ago and between (2) hard drives I have shot over 50,000 photos! I don't think the pace will ever slow. The only real problem with this habit is what to do with all of them. This is why I have chosen a career doing what I love. At least then, my photos will have a real resting place on the walls of many, hopefully within the pages of popular editorials, and of course on computer screens across the world.

One can only hope and work towards these kind of goals.