Hello Friends,
Just thought I would post some recent images I have captured, edited, and felt the need to share. Hope you enjoy them....
Also if you haven't visited my new website, please do so...
Taking a Walk...
Into the Trees...

Fallen Petals...

Beautiful Eye...
Lazy Kitty...
Supermoon @ 600mm...
Patches, The Neighborhood Kitty...
Orchid Season...
One Sexy Tomato...
Beautiful From Any Angle...
Regal Eagle...
Sleepy Owl...

Drip Drops...
Fooling Around In Photoshop...
"Bum Jovi"...
Backlit Orchid...
Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park...
Heavenly Homemade Cheesecake...
Busy Bee...
Well... There you have it. As you can see, I have been busy 'honing' my craft and have noticed some major improvements across the board. Nobody is claiming perfection, of course... But I am that much closer to creating a unique style I can claim as my own.
Like all true visual artists, I try to remain humble. Although it is nice hearing more and more compliments all the time. I hope to keep this pace going and continue building a career which allows me to give something back... Especially to you, the viewer.
I love my job... And I love all the support I receive even more!
As usual... Thanks for your continued support and interest. ~JDB ||| 05/24/12
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