For awhile now, I have been building my life around photography. This New Year will bring many new opportunities which I will welcome with my best foot forward. I'm saying farewell to 2010...Why? Well we all need resolutions and to be honest...
...Well, the last year has been monumental in so many ways to me personally. 2010 has given me many valuable memories and tons of knowledge from a much needed continued education.
2010 has filled me with the strength to wrestle through some very tumultuous times as well. I have had a huge determination to succeed and because progress has been slow, and things haven't been easy, I am now solving some serious issues in myself to find more growth and more potential for future living. No artist is ever perfect so New Years Resolutions seem appropriate at this juncture. Better late then never.
2010 has lent me patience and a strong sense of loyalty to others. I am grateful for every experience. I have persevered through loss, love & family crisises, and several personal challenges of being a thirty something scholar and late emerging professional. This past year has been rough to say the least.
I have been on a mission for some years now searching for the kind of work I would love, be great at, and feel a large purpose doing. With all of the lessons I have learned this past year, I am resolving to be more in tune with my needs and responsibilities, get healthier, read more, do some charity work, set aside time for family, and be truer to myself.
As a photographer with friends who are photographers, I know that we are visonaries of a beautiful world. Let's try to remember why we are making photos. It's never just for a dollar. For most it's just a hobby. But more than anything we should remember that we have the tool to document our existence and therefore we have the responsibility of being true to photographic form and design. Make sure you contribute to your passion. It's why we do it. It is a release. A spring loaded exhileration of sight- frozen in time for eons. Make your photos speak. Resolve to have a final say on how it really went down in your world. Be there to document or illustrate. Get experimental and creative. Share your ideas. Whether is your job or you want to preserve the moments in life: The lazy are never appreciated, really. I really worked that shutter last year but was sorry I didn't do it more.
Make 2011 a year to be remembered, as well. Don't let time slip through your fingers. Take time to appreciate your life and bring your camera along. Try to make a serious effort to be serious about photography and more importantly, as a humanitarian. You never know when you'll need a favor returned. Do yourself a favor and be passionate in your life. "It only happens once."|||JDB 01.03.2011|||
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